Sunday, October 14, 2018

A Question With No Answer

To borrow a line from JRR Tolkien, what follows the age of men?  As I sat with my coffee this morning, watching the sky lighten in the east I was struck by the two-edged nature of progress and how a good idea can turn disastrous in a twinkling of an eye, when compared to the estimated age of the universe. So, my question today is what will bring our role as the dominant species to an end?

Since the time of Homo Erectus mankind has developed tools to improve all aspects of their lives, but with each new invention there comes a down side.  As far as I can tell, with the possible exception of Velcro, there are no good ideas that can’t be turned into terrible abuses.

Someone discovers round wheels are better than square ones and we start down the path of using the wheel to make life better, but just a few millennia later we build gasoline powered cars and all the sudden we invent Global Warming where all the ice will melt and the seas will rise until the only cars left are those on really high bridges.

Alfred Nobel discovers the chemical compound C6H23CH3[1] and makes a fortune helping people blow things up.  Of course, it can also be used to kill people and he feels a little bad about that so he uses his fortune to create a set of prizes for people in the arts and sciences and allows the folks in Oslo Norway to pick someone who has done something good for peace.  Often though those folks pick people who’ve not so much improved the chances of peace but are making the politically correct statements about peace.

The world of the mind offers wonderful examples of good ideas that turn out to be really terrible in execution.  I think we can all agree someone with a mental illness should be treated and hopefully cured, but there is a problem.  First of all, who decides someone is mentally ill?  How do they go about diagnosing illness and the best options for curing it?  These are incredibly hard questions to answer with certainty as our history of dealing with people who don’t fit within the social norms has demonstrated.  We train people to supposedly be experts in the field, but what they know and how they use that knowledge is, of course, subject to their own biases.  The progressive thinkers over the past 150 years have come up with a whole myriad of good ideas on how to cure or deal with mental illness.  Their solutions range from locking them away, cutting out the bad part of their brains, sending electric currents through the brain to short circuit the bad circuits, providing drugs that will somehow compensate for the drug balances that are out of kilter, to totally ignoring the issue and releasing them to the streets where they can care for themselves.  So I wonder are we really any better off today with mental illness than when we expected people to be stoic and fit in, and if they couldn’t fit into society they were chained to a bed somewhere?

Now we have the internet of all things, which has become sort of the global town square where anyone with an opinion can climb onto his, her, or its soapbox and yell that opinion to the world.  Those who are of like opinions can join in until they form a group (or mob) and they can shout all the louder for it.  Those who disagree can stack up their soap boxes until they are able to form their own group (or mob) and yell all the louder that their opinion is right.  Sooner or later all this yelling is bound to have an obvious impact on those who listen to it.

We have scientists who are now working towards a day when men are not needed for reproduction, and of course we have the feminist movement where its radical elements are blaming men (and conservative women) for all the evil in the world.

Some of us Homo Sapiens believe global warming will destroy us, others believe insects will take over, still others think we will destroy each other through war and a nuclear exchange, and many of us believe the we will fall victim to mean talk and dissenting opinions. 

Whatever it is, I hope the next species decides the internet is not worth the hassle.

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