Tuesday, October 2, 2018

You Lost Me at "People Will Die"

I only pause to catch my breath as the political hyperbole spins out of control.  It’s as if everyone thinks their opinion matters.  It may – to a friend, or even your family, but beyond that not so much.  Unfortunately, it seems we’ve created a whole generation that has been indoctrinated to believe certain opinions are more important than fact, and reality is just an illusion based on societies loudest opinions.

“There are more than two genders,” throughout the annals of recorded history, science (when it actually became science and not just good religion) has defined mammals in two genders, male and female.  Now thanks to modern social science we have all sorts of genders and we, not biology, get to choose what gender we want to be.  (Apparently, gender is not distinctly different from sexual orientation/preference.)

“The science is settled,” and if you question the science you are a “science denier” (caveat:  This only applies to things vocal activists want it to apply to, and is not to be applied as a universal standard (see above).)

“If they go low, we’ll go high” – perhaps one of the most misunderstood phrases in the 2016 political campaign.  Who knew this really meant “If they elect Trumph we will go so low their heads will spin.”

“We must believe the victims” unless we don’t want to because they are accusing people we like.

“I did not have sex with that woman.”  A gem from the archives, which in today’s world would be a tweet countering “we must believe the victims.”

“I’m not a crook.”  Another gem from the archives.  In today’s world anytime, someone has to say this it must be assumed with 100% certainty they are.

“Black Lives Matter.”  But only if you want to vilify the police.  It sure seems, on the whole, people who say black lives matter don’t care about the lives lost to inner city crime/gang violence where the value of black lives are heavily discounted.

“You’re a Nazi.”  Usually said by someone who employes the same tactics as the Nazi Brown Shirts (e.g. Kristallnacht) and Mussolini’s Black Shirt Fascists to beat or intimidate people who disagree with them.  Cleverly they call themselves Antifa (for anti-fascist) but to paraphrase Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride) they keep using that word.  I do not think it means what they think it means.

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