Wednesday, December 30, 2020

What Kind of World Do We Want?

At the heart of all our political debates is really one simple question.  What kind of world do we want? What separates us all are not dramatic differences in the answer to this question, but rather our understanding of humanity and the potential to achieve the desired end. Mankind has struggled with this question since the time we began rational thought. Yet, here we are untold millenniums later still wrestling with it.

We’ve gone through how many great and lessor civilizations as we attempt to answer that question for the betterment of us?  But it always comes down to societies where there are those with much and those with little. Why? Today, we see a continuation of the economic struggles we saw in the Nineteenth Century and earlier. The same conditions Charles Dicken’s condemned in his famous depiction of Ebenezer Scrooge. 

Oh! But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire; secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster. The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, shrivelled his cheek, stiffened his gait; made his eyes red, his thin lips blue; and spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice. A frosty rime was on his head, and on his eyebrows, and his wiry chin. He carried his own low temperature always about with him; he iced his office in the dog-days; and didn’t thaw it one degree at Christmas.

Why despite all the political protestations and promises of universal wealth have we apparently not progressed onto a utopia where all mankind is rewarded for their being a part of the great society and sharing in the wealth of the planet?

“Socrates defined men as limited and therefore not capable of reaching absolute truth, he also believed they had an immense capability for attaining an ever more refined idea of the just and the good. This awareness and definition of man as primarily a thinking being is the basis of Western philosophy.”[1]

As Socrates noted almost 2,500 years ago, man is limited, and therefore the solutions we enter into are limited by our understandings. Our founding fathers, in their Declaration of Independence from King George and Great Brittan, noted that “all men are created equal” a wonderful statement intended to dismiss the superiority of the Crown.  But does it truly mean that all men and women are equal in all aspects of life?  It wasn’t true when Thomas Jefferson wrote it and it’s not true today.  If it was then everyone would excel at everything and there would be no elites.  It doesn’t matter if it is in sports, entertainment, industry, politics, or finance.  There are elites in each.  Some are born into an elite status; others earn their way into it and still, others join elites only to fall from grace. For example, King George was born into the elite, and because of his inability to govern lost the American Colonies.  O.J. Simpson was perhaps one of the greatest running backs, yet from his choices he has fallen from grace, spending time in prison and carrying with him the accusation of murder. In the 1800s, with the start of the industrial revolution, we saw the rise of wealth with tycoons like Cornelius Vanderbilt (shipping & trains), John D. Rockefeller (oil), Andrew Carnegie (steel) where a few men created employment for thousands, but almost unimaginable wealth for themselves.  

Of course, over time, lesser men and women who did not achieve their own fortunes came to call them the “Robber Barons” of the industrial revolution.  Don’t we see the exact same thing today? Where those who would seek the power and wealth of the billionaires claim billionaires are immoral for their wealth and only achieved it because the government allowed it.  They, the politicians, if given half a chance would seek to redistribute their wealth to make everyone a little richer?  What doesn’t get mentioned too often is what percentage would be taken by those who control the redistribution system, or what would happen to the industries they’ve created?

Mankind has understood since the advent of the written word we come to this life with a variety of qualities.  Some good and some bad.  For the Israelites, God gave Moses 10 rules to live by. Over time they were greatly expanded until Jesus came to simplify them back into their original form. Other faiths and societies have come to similar conclusions. At their heart is the realization mankind is greedy and selfish and allowed to go unchecked it will lead to our destruction. 

Thus, we are in a struggle today, which has been repeated a thousand times throughout history. Is the path to utopia found in an all-powerful government, which makes grand promises, but at the end consolidates its power and wealth in a privileged ruling class, or do we decentralize power to the individuals and expect those individuals to act towards a common good?

Our founders argued this question and we can see the two sides laid out in the Federalist papers and the “anti-Federalist” rebuttal.  In the end, they reached a compromise where they recognized the potential for abuse by the federal system and allowed the states a degree of autonomy as a check for that potential.  They also established a system of “checks and balances” within the federal system.  Unfortunately, over the years the government has grown so vast and powerful there is a real question as to the legitimacy of those checks.

In conclusion, we return to the question of “what kind of world do we want?”  A world where everything is done for us, or one where we have the authority to choose for ourselves what course our life will take?  For those are the two paths we have.  The history of mankind has shown when we have an all-powerful government, the choices of the individual (at least those not in the ruling class) are limited by what the ruling class allows.

Thursday, December 17, 2020


The time between the election and the inauguration of the President is one of transition.  Not only for the key political players and their financial backers/ardent supporters but for the common citizen.  It is a time with great similarities to a sporting event where the players on the field move from offense to defense and the spectators’ transition from supporting their team to the condemnation of any event that seems to present a positive gain for the opposition.

We are beginning to see that transition in the media now, where according to the broadcasters the incoming team is above approach.  These are the same “professionals” who just a matter of days ago spent most of their time condemning the current administration as incompetent and incapable of finding their way out a paper bag, despite the evidence that seemed to refute that.  For example, according to the Democratic politicians as broadcast by the media the reason we have over 300,000 dead from COVID is all President Trump’s fault, despite the fact under our system it was the decisions of the various Governors which most affect the death rates within their states.

From a common person perspective, those who have rioted and protested just a few short days and weeks ago claiming America was a fascist blight on the face of the earth are now going to have to claim we are once more a shining light of freedom for that same world.  The irony here is that 99% of the government that were all fascist last week will still be at work after January 20th.

Those politicians in charge of the major cities, who just weeks ago, were justifying the need to defund the police and open their cities to invasion by anarchists are now going to see a need for some limits on what “peaceful” protest really means.  I wonder how the anarchists and the police forces will deal with these political transitions?

On the fashion front, those who thought little of the current first lady’s wardrobe are going now going to be over-the-top in their admiration of the incoming first lady’s fashion sense as she sets the style trends for the nation.  While I doubt she will receive the same adulation as Michele Obama, it seems to me there will be a big demand for extravagant adjectives seeking to reflect how smart she dresses for someone with such brilliant educational credentials.

Speaking of educational credentials, it seems to me to be an amazing thing to have a big kafuffle over.  Some writer says having an Ed. D isn’t the same as being a real doctor and the world goes crazy.  The Ph. Ds and Ed. Ds of the world are united in their belief that having any kind of doctorate is worthy of being called a doctor, while some lawyers with Juris Doctorates seem to disagree.  I’ve not polled the medical community but the few I know are of the opinion they are the only REAL doctors (at least according to Hippocrates). Personally, I know a couple of good ol’ tobacco chewing country boys with Ed. Ds and I think they are good with nicknames, although Dr. REDMAN is probably also acceptable.  I know Whoopi Goldberg weighed in on this at the beginning of the pandemic and claimed Dr. Biden was “a hell of a doctor” so there is that.

But then we can make a dividing controversy out of any and everything.  Take the recently approved COVID immunizations.  Their release this December is a miracle, at least according to the projections of scientists who engage in the political debate. The first doses are going to the frontline workers and those most at risk in the nursing homes.  This seems to be one thing no one is arguing about, but who should get the next release?  Ah, that is worth arguing about.  Should it be the Presidential transition team, the current White House staff, the members of Congress, or those in the public that want to jump on board?  How about those who don’t want the vaccine?  Should they be forced into taking it to use public transportation, or should they have a small yellow COVID star sewn on their clothing so the liberals know who is unclean and not part of this great social movement?

Finally, I wonder if all the entertainment award shows can get back to patting themselves on the back for being so great instead of having to spend the majority of their speaking parts condemning the government.  I know that is probably too much to ask for and now those same celebrities will have to tell us how great it is to be in a nation that supports a unified world solution (except for China and Russia of course) for all the environmental issues the government will now address through its increased taxes.  While we’ve not yet increased taxes I’ll take Biden and Harris at their word that we must do that to rebuild America in their image.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

It's a Curiosity

           It appears the mainstream media has recently noticed that Hunter Biden’s overseas dealings maybe some kind of issue.  This comes on the heels of an announcement the Department of Justice has several on-going investigations into Biden’s financial dealings.  While it would not seem unusual for the press to report these facts it is remarkable, they are just now coming to the forefront.  After the Biden-Harris win.

It is almost as if some hidden power is pulling all the strings in preparation for a transition of the Presidency from Trump to Biden to Harris.  While many of us speculated on the mental soundness of Biden to hold the office it would seem the real kingmakers are leaving nothing to chance.  If they can’t get him out with the 25th Amendment then they go for resignation in lieu of impeachment as the alternative.

My money is on Harris as President before the summer solstice.

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