Sunday, October 31, 2021

Civility in an Age of Uncivil Society

It has become an almost nightly fixture on the news these days.  Some news channels reporting of an unruly passenger on an airline assaulting either the flight crews or other passengers.  It appears most of these events involve the millennial generation.  Passengers ranging from their twenties to early forties.  If true, it suggests to me just one more manifestation of a generation created with a sense of entitlement and self-importance that leads to outrage anytime they are forced to comply with some social norm.

These are the people who now control social media and who seem to believe being an “influencer” is actually a profit-making occupation.  I’ve been criticized by progressives for believing there is such a thing as a “slippery slope” where bad behavior, once tolerated, will lead to increasingly bad behavior. 

But I see in the Millennials a generation that has little respect for the history and culture of the nation and has been told their behavior will be tolerated.  We have legal and legislative systems around the country now committed to releasing violent individuals in the name of social justice.  We have judges who place their political beliefs before their role in the law.  In the eyes of Beryl Howell
[1], an appointee by the Obama Administration, she is outraged the DOJ is allowing the January 6th rioters plea deals that tie her hands in handing down serious prison time.  I don’t recall those same complaints with rioters in Minneapolis or New York as they protested the George Floyd death.  It seems in the eyes of liberal judges not all riots are created equally.  Those that pass their social muster are okay, those that don’t are a serious threat to democracy.

It will be interesting to see how the airlines and the government now deal with the increasing violence in the skies.  Whatever the course of action airlines will need to rethink their advertisements and perhaps even the "woke" political choices they support?  Since the "woke" tend to eat their own and if you get even a little out of step you will be condemned anyway.  

Can we really say “Fly the friendly skies” anymore?  Perhaps, “Fly with us, we are only mildly passive-aggressive” would be more accurate.  Remember, we are all in this together, unless your entitlements are more than my entitlements.


Friday, October 15, 2021


We live in a remarkable time.  We now have access to all the information known to mankind.  We have so much access it is overwhelming for most of us, and we choose to live on the soundbites of information provided by our media.  These tidbits of information are sanitized, formatted, and cherry-picked to present to us the reality those pushing want us to believe in.  Of course, there is always a mirror image of that reality so that we can never be too sure that what we are seeing is really the original, or a reflection of the original changed just enough to present an alternative reality.

In 1984, Apple Inc. had a Super Bowl commercial that played on George Orwell’s novel of the same name.  In that commercial Apple®, introduced the original Macintosh computer with the promise we would see why “1984 won’t be like 1984.”  Yet here we are almost 30-years later with the images of Orwell’s frightening vision playing out precisely because of the information age unlocked by the personal computer and the domination and control of that information by mega-corporations with global impact who can now reach into our homes and extract whatever data they desire.

We see our society fracturing now, more than our history teaches us we did in the past.  Rather than moving toward a renaissance of new ideas and thoughts, we seem to be moving to an age where the smallest voices in society dominate the conversations through the loudest megaphones.  A time where the age of reason is replaced by the age of outrage. Everywhere we look we see the condemnation of our historical values by groups who have rejected them and now demand their personal values be used as the new civil standard.  As soon as that happens a new group of outraged minorities rise up and demand those standards are obsolete and new ones must be accepted.

Meanwhile, the political and financial elite, speaking from behind their walls spur on the discontent so we won’t notice their acquisition of wealth and the creation of a two-class economy where there are only rich and poor.  The poor, of course, will live off the scraps of the rich, just as they do in other two-class societies.

We’ve seen over these past dozen years the choices made by our increasingly dominant younger generations, and it seems they are willing participants in the evolution of society to that envisioned by George Orwell.  A society where independent thought is vilified and approved behaviors are demanded.  I guess this is what happens when we create an educational industry where conformity is demanded and standards are lowered so no one is left behind.  

Monday, October 4, 2021

When You Only See One Door

I sat through a conversation this morning that has me scratching my head.  It was between two women within the community I live in; they were discussing the plight of the homeless of California.  One commented on how cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco were being overrun by the homeless and the streets were filled with filth and human waste.

The second listened and pointed out those very same problems were appearing in Seattle and there didn’t seem to be any hope to stop the rise of homelessness and the destruction of the city.

This conversation took place after they were talking about how those who are unvaccinated were creating an unacceptable risk to all those who were vaccinated and if everyone was vaccinated, we could end the pandemic, even though the vaccine has not eliminated the potential for infection and transmission.

It amazes me when educated people become so indoctrinated into a set of political beliefs, they fail to understand government policies are as likely to create a problem as they are to fix it.  

For all practical purposes, California is a one-party state, and all its major population centers are controlled by that one party, yet for all the complaints about how poorly the state is managed its citizens are just like the two women, I overheard today.  They are completely bewildered by how poorly things are going for the average person, and why those liberal policies haven’t created the promised utopia.

We have, for all practical purposes arrived at a state where critical thinking has been completely replaced by political loyalty and education by indoctrination.

If you doubt this, just listen to the people looking to be appointed to important government jobs and watch as they tap dance around previous statements where they are unwilling to actually stand behind their previous rhetoric.

“Then it doesn't matter which way you walk...-so long as I get somewhere.”

Lewis Carrol

Sunday, October 3, 2021

With Friends Like This, Who Needs Enemies.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, “Does the American Government Need Enemies?”  After some consideration, a few glasses of wine, and deep soul searching about all the ne'er-do-wells who disagree with me, I think the answer is YES!

Granted, I’ve only been around for a little less than a third of our history as a constitutional republic, but as I consider our heritage it seems obvious, we are a nation built on having enemies -- both foreign and domestic.

Let’s review!

We, those of European heritage, fled to America to escape the oppression of those who viewed our forefathers (and mothers) as different and worthy of being cast out.  We could have been the rubble of society Charles Dickens was so fond of writing about, or we could have had religious beliefs that caused concern with the various churches that ruled the Continent.  But once we got here and made it through the first few winters, we vied with the natives to take control of the land we settled as if it were ours to take.

Those of us who came from African heritage clearly had enemies who captured and sold whole tribes of enslaved people who had no say in the matter and when they arrived in the colonies were sold to the highest bidders to do the manual labor necessary to open the land to the agriculture necessary to enrich those who had come from Europe.

As we grew, we English viewed the French and Spanish as our enemies, until we reached a point of domination or were able to buy the lands they claimed as their own.

Finally, even we English saw the tyranny of the English Parliament and King George as a threat to our freedom and fought to free ourselves from them.

As the Anglos moved into Texas, they saw the Spanish/Mexicans as a limiting influence, at least until they could declare their independence and become a Republic with the aspirations of joining the United States.

Along the way, we’ve fought wars, both domestically and internationally, about every 20 years or so since 1675.  We’ve been in a continuous war since 2001 and although Afghanistan has ended (kind of) we are still engaged in several places.

The thing is, each war seems to grow the government and thereby increases the power of the politicians who swear allegiance to a political party.  So, what better way to increase your political importance and financial wealth than to be a part of a government that is at war?  The Johnson Administration serves as the perfect example of this concept.  

The Kennedy administration came to office with the “Cold War” in full swing.  It had its share of diplomatic blunders which took us to the brink of a “Hot War” with Russia but managed to avoid that as Russia blinked first. Some would say one of those blunders was the introduction of U.S. forces to bolster the regime of South Vietnam, a decision that would be carried forward when Lyndon Baines Johnson assumed the office upon JFK’s assassination.

So, what did LBJ do?  He found a way to commit massive federal spending on three fronts.  He grew the military to fight an increasingly costly war in Southeast Asia while fighting the “Cold Wars” in Korea and Europe.  He then expanded a social welfare state to improve the lives of the poorest Americans in his “War on Poverty.” A lot of these efforts, if viewed objectively, succeeded in the same way the War in Vietnam succeeded.  They seemed to be great ideas that only served to enrich the few who got to make the decisions on where federal dollars should go.  Finally, in our race to prove capitalism was superior to communism we entered into the space race to the Moon.  We won and as a result of all those federal dollars so did several defense/space contractors.  Along the way, we got string cheese, Tang, and Velcro.

According to History Pieces[1] in 1962, there were roughly 5.34 million federal employees.  As the wars progressed under LBJ that number rose to 6.64 in 1968. This figure does not account for all those whose employment is dependent on Federal spending it is simply the size of our government during the decade of turbulence when the President decided war was the way to get what he wanted for the nation. 

Today the federal government has a little more than 4 million employees, thanks mostly to a reduction in the size of the military, but thanks to social media we now see far more clearly than ever before how the politicians seek to divide the nation to achieve their political success.  Having come to age in the 1960s I am firm of the belief this is a result of an education system that has transformed from one intended to create independent thinking of those most capable of it, into a system where groupthink has become the approved approach.

Because of this approach we’ve developed generations where differing political views are unacceptable, where bullies call out those who think differently and accuse them of being bullies, where racists defend their racism as anti-racism, and deviant lifestyles are glamorized and celebrated by the entertainment industry.  An industry that was once viewed as only slightly more moral than horse thieves.

With this pandemic, we see clearly how the government wages war in its effort to consolidate power to the political elite.  We also see how many are willing to sacrifice their rights to individual freedom in the hopes this government will make life risk-free.

In the end, I can only wonder, what happens when enough of us believe in a one-party political solution and the United States becomes like California?

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