Saturday, July 27, 2019

Standing Up for Democracy

The phrase “We’ve got to stand up for democracy” seems to be the latest talking point provided to our Hollywood betters, and all those who hate President Trump for being President Trump!  It is being tweeted around the internet just like a beer salesman at a baseball game.  “Get yer stand up for democracy tweet rite ‘ere.”  Some intellectual giants like Rob Reiner and Bette Midler have taken to the twitter streets to encourage the mob.  I suspect this is only an interim talking point until the DNC can come up with something better, maybe something like “the hell with it, let’s just lynch him and be done with it.”  The only problem is how to get past those pesky Secret Service folks.
With the fiasco that was the Mueller testimony – the House Democrats are trying to figure out what to do next, and there are several talking points being run up the flag pole to see who salutes.  Unfortunately for the DNC, they are counting on politicians who’ve not had an original thought for the past 25 years or so.
Rep. Nadler (D-NY10) is talking about getting the grand jury testimony, and violating one of the foundational values of our legal system in the process, to see what they had to say that led the Special Counsel’s team to conclude there was maybe, kind of, sort of, some obstruction to their investigation.  As far as I can tell Jerry Nadler is best known for having his big boy pants cinched up above his belly button, and occasionally passing out (or nodding off) at public events.
Speaker Pelosi, in an effort to keep her job, is meeting with “the squad” or as I would call them the “gang of four” who want to abolish all the House traditions and history that has led us to this point, so they can become the ruling junta of the House of Representatives.  On a personal note, I can only hope they spend so much energy doing this they open themselves up to the that rarest of events – failing in their reelection campaigns.  But that would require the RNC to actually come up with candidates who’ve not been indicted themselves.  This seems to be a problem for the RNC when trying to win over historically Democratic districts.
All this talk of defending democracy though is wearing really thin and only serves to reinforce my opinion that those who scream loudest about it, are really not in favor of a representative government controlled by law, and would much prefer mob rule.  At least until the mob turns on them.  (i.e. like the French Revolution, but that’s ancient history and we all know history is racist.)
So, as we yell about standing up for democracy but look to abolish the rule of law and our civil traditions remind me again; what do we get when we let those who think it’s okay to throw away election results because they don’t like the winner?
The word anarchy comes to mind.

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