Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Golly That Sounds Reasonable and Moral Too

I am so old I can remember the fear the right had when the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” was just passed on strict party-line votes.  The big issue I remember was the GOP talking about “death panels” that would make determinations whether a patient’s health care was actually a wise investment or should he or she be allowed to just die, either through assistance or just wasting away.
Of course, the left countered those were just flagrant exaggerations and no such thing would ever be done in this country.  A country and a party that claimed to value life as long as they were already born.
Now we see states with Democratic majorities moving to ensure an infant can be killed almost anytime the mother chooses to do so.  Right now, it is until the moment of birth in NY.  The Governor went so far as to have the new World Trade Center specifically lite to celebrate this great victory for women who don’t want to have a child.  I’ve heard them celebrate this as a woman’s right, but since roughly half the abortions are future women I don’t see how that can really be the case.
In Virginia, they are debating a similar statute, where the infant would be delivered and kept around while the Doctors and Mother talk about whether or not it should really live.
My question is why stop there?  If the rights of the child no longer start at birth, why not allow these decisions to be made until the child is of legal age to make their own choice.  Think of how much this would reduce the backlog in child abuse cases.  It would clearly be the mother’s (and why not the father or boyfriend’s) right to treat the child as an unwanted burden that should have been taken care of at birth, but they weren’t sure if they wanted it or not.
When these decisions are based on politics and we no longer believe there is a moral basis for life, can society last?

1 comment:

Mr. D said...

When these decisions are based on politics and we no longer believe there is a moral basis for life, can society last?

That's the right question. And the answer isn't promising.

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