Friday, January 25, 2019

The Art of Moral Outrage

 Over the past 20 or so years there has developed an interesting social dynamic where the progressive movement has laid claim to the “moral high ground” at the same time they’ve rejected the institutions, which have historically served to guide our societies moral standards.  The conservative movement has generally not put up too much of a resistance to the propaganda outlets used to foster these narratives and allowed the collapse of a shared (common) moral code.

Today we routinely see morality brought into every social debate, usually by the people who reject a common moral code as archaic, choosing to claim any and everything they don’t like as immoral.  A few cases in point.

The building of a wall to funnel immigrants towards approved points of entry is immoral – Nancy Pelosi[1]

It’s better to be morally right, then factually correct – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez[2]

In the two examples cited above both individuals are advocates for a larger federal government intended to provide all things to the residents (citizens and non-citizens alike) of the country.  It seems to me as if they are advocating that a belief in government should be the only theology allowed.

Yet, when in charge of government – a consistent morality seems to be a squishy thing, for the politicians.  The most recent decisions by New York State being a wonderful example.  They view the death penalty, as a punishment, to be morally wrong, but the killing of a fetus capable of life outside the mother as being a woman’s right.  So really, life isn’t sacred only the lives of those they favor are.  Once again, the democratic party seems to favor those who kill over the innocent.  Unless the innocent are non-human: perhaps a dog left out in the cold, or a Rhino killed for its horn, or a horse that is used for racing and then cast aside when it can no longer run.

The real trick here is to claim the moral high ground based on little more than personal opinion and demand the other side bow to your moral outrage.

1 comment:

Jeannette said...

footnoted al and all....keep it up!

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