Saturday, February 2, 2019

What Guides Us?

You can chalk this question up to my former life as an Air Force Navigator.  Back in the day, I was trained to use the heavens to help me find my way.  This was a simple fact.  We did not yet have manmade navigation aids that covered the earth and there were large expanses of oceans to be crossed.
Those who had gone before me had learned to use the stars, the moon, and the planets to determine a precise location on the earth.  That knowledge learned from the hard lessons of past failures was passed to us who would be responsible for guiding the aircraft when the electronic aids man had built were not available or reliable.
For as long as man has crossed the oceans the Northern Star has provided a reference to the confirm they are going in the direction they should.
Today, as we turn away from heaven, I wonder. 
What guides us?

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