Thursday, August 11, 2011

Was It a Simpler Time?

The years of my youth were the 1960’s – I was a teenager growing up during the civil unrest of desegregating the South, sending young men to Viet Nam to bolster a failing government in the fear its fall would be the first domino in the swell of Communism, the growth of the anti-war movement, and racial warfare in the urban areas.
Martin Luther King had a dream where all men were equal and there was an optimism that America could do anything it set its mind to do.  Jobs were plentiful for people with all levels of education.  So what have we accomplished since then?
Garment manufacturing is almost non-existent in the US.  The US auto industry has lost most of its capacity, except for what the Japanese, Germans and Koreans have added.  And most people look to the government for their jobs.  We have a Black President, but any criticism of him is viewed as a racist statement.  Black unemployment is almost double that of Whites, and most jobs are service jobs, not that kind of job that creates wealth in the Nation by bringing in overseas funds to purchase the products.
Was it a simpler time, or have we just become more simple as Americans? 

1 comment:

W.B. Picklesworth said...

"Was it a simpler time?" I don't know. But the ill plants of today were present in that time as seeds.

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