Monday, September 3, 2018

Labor Day, 2018

Today is our national day of recognition for the contributions to our nation made by our workforce.  It was, after all, the American worker who fueled the industrial age.  Their labors, and the wealth they created, took us to a position in the world, the founding fathers could not have envisioned.  Along the way they have had to fight for improved pay, safety, and respect because nothing in life is free. 
As we move into the era where every day is a recognition for something (e.g. national sandwich day, a national hot dog day, national pickle day, etc.) I wonder how long it will be before this day simply becomes national picnic day.
Of course, we’ve made this a holiday for federal workers and most states, banks, and non-retail businesses have followed suit, but if the progressive movement were to have its way then most days would be days off for workers.
There is a new campaign hitting the social media attempting to explain why a growing economy is not good for the average worker and this new success is all a part of the nefarious Trump plan to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.  Based on the timing I assume this is part of the oppositions campaign strategy for the upcoming mid-terms.  I wonder how successful they will be telling people who were out of work that having a job is a bad thing?
Not that anyone cares I do have a question regarding the society and workforce likely in the coming years.  How much of human activity, the kind that meets the higher order needs of human beings, will be replaced by automation and robotic activity and what will happen to the humans who are replaced?
For those who would have us abandon capitalism and move us to a state-run (socialist) economy, how will a selfish and indifferent state meet the financial, emotional, and physical needs of the average man or woman better than the current system?  How will the wealth necessary to fund all the things a politician wants to spend money on be created?  We aren’t doing that today, as shown by our deficit spending, how will state ownership make it better?
Enjoy your day off American worker… This Bud’s for you.

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