Sunday, August 2, 2020

Just An Opinion

What follows isn’t an endorsement, nor is it a condemnation.  It is simply my opinion on the choices before the nation in the upcoming election.  They may be coherent and compelling to some, and completely off-putting to others.  Be that as it may.  What got me thinking about this was President Trump's latest shot on Twitter to outrage the DNC, their media arm in the mainstream media, and a plethora of political talking/writing heads.  There is also a posting on  Althouse, talking about wokeness that ties into this whole thing.

I can think of a half dozen, or perhaps more, reasons not to vote for President Trump’s reelection.  Almost all of them center on the character of the man.  At the same time, I can’t come up with a single reason to vote for his opponent, the former Senator and Vice President, Joe Biden.  For me, this is a slightly different dynamic than we had in 2016 where both candidates carried the baggage of their negatives and for most, it required ignoring those negatives completely to vote for the party of their choice.  Predictably the votes in the urban areas went to the Democrat, and in the rural areas to the Republican.  What made The Donald’s election possible was the failure of the DNC (and candidate Clinton) to recognize how much weight his message carried for the union members who had watched their jobs go overseas for close to 30 years, and an assumption the minority voter would turn out for her as they did for President Obama.

Since his election, the President has faced a constant barrage of criticism on his handling of the job. Almost all that criticism comes from the agenda-driven opposition and is obviously politically motivated. Although the President seems to relish the attention it brings. It is as if he is the modern-day embodiment of Phineas T. Barnum.

What I see is just the natural evolution of mean-spirited political rhetoric that brought Donald Trump to the head of the GOP field and ultimately the election.  It is, again in my opinion, fueled by the meanness and self-righteousness we’ve come to expect on our social and entertainment outlets. Profanity is the new normal of our entertainment choices, and we see it play out in unwarranted outrage over even the most minor of civil conflicts.

For right or wrong President Trump now represents the status quo.  He is the embodiment of a continuation of the nation we’ve become.  His opponent is the face of a party that is willing to sacrifice all we’ve become simply to regain the power it lost with the 2016 election and partially regained in 2018.  It sees its future in the extremes of the millennials who seek to destroy our history.  A generation who has been taught that hate is okay as long as it is used for their causes. Violence to achieve those goals is the way society should be.  Lying is just a natural evolution in the transition to relative morality.  One has only to look at how the groups they hold as examples of youth involvement engage with the political realities to see this violence play out. 

Of course, the propaganda arms of the BLM and ANTIFA movements are there to persuade the population that what you see on the nightly news isn’t their fault, they are simply reacting to violence of the establishment.  It is, after all, President Trump's fault that cities that have been controlled since the 1970s by the Democrats are racist because the GOP and President Trump are fascists.

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