Monday, August 31, 2020

Has the Democratic Party Ever Changed?

When I see the people defending the "mostly peaceful" rioters destroying our cities I see exactly the same people who were part of the Democratic Party in the times of the Ku Klux Klan.  People who use fear and racist violence to intimidate the voters into submission.

The idea that Black Lives Matter is, on its face a reasonable one, except as you look around it is usually voiced by a group of anarchists and Marxists (often exclusively white) who are raging against people and businesses who have no history of violence against blacks.  They will memorialize individuals whose lives have been filled with drug abuse and violence while ignoring the innocents killed within the inner cities.

Some will claim this is a social movement, but the reality of their actions is political.  The fact one political party and its group of liberal/progressive activists all refuse to condemn their violence until polling numbers suggest they should do otherwise is telling.
If we are ever to unite as a nation we need to accept that change can only come from the hearts of our citizens and with the entire history of man it is unlikely a universally agreed to answer of racial discrimination or equality will be reached anytime soon, the best we can hope for is to protect the young and the innocent and help them understand love rather than hate.

We've spent almost 60-years attempting to overcome discrimination through social welfare and social advantage programs and what has that achieved?  We have a generation of people who believe they are owed something for the wrongs done their distant ancestors and since the election of Barrack Obama, the issues of race have gone from the back burner to the front.  It looks to me we are no better off today than we were at the start of the Great Society.

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