Sunday, September 1, 2019

How Come?

How come in today's political discourse we hear people like Chris Hayes on MSNBC telling us what is wrong with things like the Electoral College, but we never see them advocating for a movement to fix the problem, just a plea to abandon the constitutionally mandated process?

Hayes notes the Federal judiciary has, since the early 1960s, been mandating a "one man equals one vote" requirement and the same should be required of the Presidential election.  What he fails to address is the historical context that drove the founding fathers to the decision of first how the states should appoint their senators, and then why the Electoral College was established to protect the rights of the smaller states by preventing the larger states from imposing their will by dominating the Presidential Election with sheer numbers of voters.

Going to the courts seems the popular approach these days, expecting some judge to impose their will on the other two branches of government, but ultimately this will fail as judges change over and society changes.  Take, for example, the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in 1957 in the case of Dred Scott v John F.A. Sanford, where the court ruled that escaped slaves were not citizens and remained the property of the slave owner.  This decision ultimately led the nation into war and was finally resolved with the creation of the 14th Amendment.  The precedent set by Dred Scott became moot and non-binding from that point forward.

If the brilliant minds of the DNC and progressive-left don't like the fact Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 because he won the necessary votes in the Electoral College and they think their path to power is by eliminating the college and going to a popular vote then just get the Congress to craft an amendment and have a 2/3 majority of states approve it.  If you can't do that then all you are doing is whining and that is getting pretty old and tiresome.

p.s.  Back when politicians could talk to each other we fixed the issue of how Senator's are appointed with a change to the constitution (17th Amendment), so don't tell me it can't be done.  Perhaps it just can't be done when each side is yelling at the other about how stupid they are.

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