Thursday, July 25, 2019

Not Exonerated

We have entered a new era in U.S. law.  We used to believe in the concept of “innocent until proven guilty.”  With the Special Counsel’s report on Russian hacking of the 2016 Presidential campaign and the possibility of the Trump campaigns involvement we are now in the age of “guilty unless exonerated.”  Don’t believe me?  Just listen to ABCNNBCBS and MSNBC discuss the findings and the Mueller testimony, or tune into any Democratic politician being asked about the report.      
Of course, the public has long ago forsaken the idea of “innocent until proven guilty” based on the perceived injustices of the courts.
With that in mind, I would like to list principle players the Mueller report failed to exonerate.
First and foremost, we have the DNC and the Clinton campaign.  As far as I can tell they were central to creating the Steele report that created the narrative, from which this whole investigation sprang.  Nothing I heard yesterday or in the news has exonerated them so I believe they must be guilty as sin.  Hillary Clinton specifically must be guilty of throwing the election since she ran such an urban-focused campaign that kept her public visibility to an absolute minimum.
Nothing in the report exonerates Donna Brazil, late of CNN and now with FOX.  We know she worked to keep Sanders from winning the DNC nomination so I can only assume the legal standard would apply here and she is, in fact, guilty of election tampering.
James Comey, et. al., at the FBI who used unverified information to begin spying on American politicians in an effort to ensure HRC was elected despite her obvious shortcomings.  His bumbling handling of the whole security violation issue with Clinton must have been to serve a greater purpose and the report fails to exonerate him, so until he is proven innocent one can only assume he is a major player in the deep state and works tirelessly to overthrow the current government.
Loretta Lynch,, at the Department of Justice, who showed from the very beginning a marked loyalty to party over justice.  She met with Bill Clinton in a clandestine meeting to discuss their grandchildren.  She and her executive staff has not been exonerated by the report and must, therefore, be guilty.
Finally, we must assume, since he has not been exonerated, President Obama, Vice President Biden, their wives, and all their staffs must be unindicted coconspirators with Lynch and Comey since both worked for President Obama.   

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