Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Is it a Matter of Choice?

For years, I've attempted to get people who claim to be pro-choice or woman's rights advocates to answer a simple question.  "When does life begin?"  It is the foundational question the U.S. Supreme Court deferred on in Roe v. Wade in 1973.
This week we see the Senate vote 53 to 44 against the "Born Alive" bill, which would have provided post birth protection for babies who survived the abortion process. The vote indicates at least some Republicans sided with the Democrats to deny care for the infants.
There can be no mistake from this point forward.  Those who claim to support a woman's choice believe no life is sacred and it only begins when they feel like saying it does.  As I've asked before, why stop at infants?
It seems to me the vote on this issue reflects a belief that there is no value in life unless it can further a political position.  So until the child can declare its party affiliation (which had better be with the DNC), their life has no value.
Yet the same people who have decided life does not begin at birth have the gall to complain about separating immigrant children from adults, and they are supported by those who claim Trump is mean to people while physically assaulting people who wear MEGA hats.
Give me a break!

1 comment:

Mr. D said...

It seems to me the vote on this issue reflects a belief that there is no value in life unless it can further a political position.

That's an awful realization. But I think you're right.

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