Wednesday, May 9, 2018

To News or Not to News... That is the Question.

Since the advent of candidate Trump, we’ve heard much about “fake news.”  On the one side is a bias media claiming since they all report the same thing they are real news and everything else is fake, and on the other we have those who disagree with the mainstream media claiming the mainstream reporting is fake and the only real news is what they say.  The reality is no one reports the news anymore, everyone reports their opinion of an event and we as consumers now cherry pick the opinions we like as real, and the opinions we don’t as fake.
For example, President Obama entered into an agreement with Iran.  It was never sanctioned by the Senate so it was never more than an executive agreement to release funds held by the US since the original Iranian Crisis in 1979 and place his faith in the Iranians they would live up to their promises.  This week President Trump chose to rescind that agreement.  I assume to support the desires of more reliable allies in the Middle East, as well as send a message to Iran that we don’t believe them to be operating in good faith. 
In the preceding paragraph, the only news was President Trump undoing a previous President’s decision.  The rest was opinion and conjecture.  The media reports opinions as if they are news and everyone reacts with the same shock, disbelief, or support as if the pundits, politician’s, or even their own opinions have been carried down from a mountain etched in stone tablets.
What we see today is a direct result of an administration that made a calculated political choice and lost.  The Obama administration chose to by-pass the constitutional process and govern by executive fiat.  He was not the first to do this, but his choices to do so were carried a lot further than previous administrations.  He went so far as to brag about his phone and his pen as if they were all that was necessary to govern.
It was obvious, at least to the Democrats, they would remain in power at least through the coronation of HRC, but somehow, they miscalculated and DJT stepped in.  Now as his pen and his phone undo the legacy of the Obama years there is a cry from the politically displaced that the end of the world is at hand.  The one glimmer of hope for the Democrats is that at some point the Donald will leave office, and it is historically safe to say the population will grow weary of the Republicans and they will elect another Democrat.  That is assuming the DNC can find one that appeals to the independent voters as being somewhat reasonable (at least on the surface).  Right now, no one I see in the DNC meets that criteria.
As you read this opinion I welcome you to view it as either fake or real news.  Your choice.

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