Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Great Questions of Life

1.     Who decided the earth should rotate on its axis?
2.    Why is water wet?
3.    What would have happened if Christopher Columbus had sunk (or sailed off the edge of the world)?
4.    What is it about the equator that causes people not to pick up their trash?
5.    The first Presidential Library was created in 1939 when Franklin Delano Roosevelt left part of his estate to the Government – why did he really do it?  Does that mean most Presidents before him didn’t have enough stuff to have a library?
6.    Does water go straight down the drain at the equator?
7.     What did NASA do with all the stuff they had left over after the Apollo program was cancelled?
8.    Speaking of Apollo, what have we learned from all the rocks they brought back?
9.    Why are belt loop holes spaced at ½ inch intervals?
10. Why do men’s and woman’s shirts button on different sides?
11.  If environmental protestors care so much for the environment why don’t they pick up their stuff after a protest?
12.  If the Antarctic ice cap melts completely where will South Africa get its fresh water?
13.  How many swords have actually been turned into plowshares?
14.  Who decides how long a woman’s skirt should be to be “fashionable?”
15.  If a man makes a statement in the forest and there are no women to hear him, is he still wrong?

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