Friday, January 13, 2012

Life and Purpose

What causes one twin to be successful and another to find no reason for living? What separates us from each other as we go on you journey through life?  Why, as I look back at my life, did I succeed to the degree I have, while others, more talented, more gifted and perhaps more intelligent than I failed?
There are hundreds, and tens of hundreds of books and theories on this subject.  Everyone has a belief or a theory on what in the human psyche causes these differences.  Using a sample size of one, I suggest it is purpose.  If, as a child, they can anchor their lives to a goal, individual and specific, they will succeed.  If, on the other hand, they anchor themselves to others and their goals, they will flounder when separated.
We each need goals, even as we age, for without them how do we maintain a purpose in life, and a value in the days we are given?  I hope as you look into your life there are positive and affirming goals that drive you to be better today than yesterday, and you are never satisfied with the average.
This song, from a time between High School and College. and from a place not far from my home shows what an artist can do when he has purpose.  Enjoy. 

1 comment:

Jeannette said...

Purpose is a rather good place to land...yes.

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