Monday, October 5, 2020

It's All About Power and Supremacy

I think we can all agree White Supremacists are to be abhorred.  Those who hold their race is superior to others and has a right, nay a duty, to subjugate other races is the very (read historical) definition of racism.  Unfortunately, that historical definition of racism has been turned on its head to the point that only whites of European ancestry can be classified as racist.  Unless, of course, it suits a particular individual to call someone else a racist in order to dominate the conversation.  It’s kind of like deciding all the sudden you’re an ANTI-fascist and everyone you hate, or who disagrees with you, must be a fascist. By this process, we now identify white supremacists not by their beliefs, but rather by inference.  As Professional Sport teams and players have noted in various protests “If you ain’t with us, you (sic) against us. [1] 

As the Antifa and Black Lives Matter’s “mostly peaceful” protestors invade the personal space of citizens just trying to live their lives this demand for subservience seems to be growing in fashion. Regardless of how some will portray these demands it is clearly intimidation with the intent to show their power over the helpless. 

After all, politics is all about power.  There are those who have it, and those who want it.  Those who want it are now being empowered by the Democratic party to demonstrate their right to it.  Unfortunately, for the majority of the Democratic party and its voters they don’t understand that once they give authority to those who believe they can demand power by force there will be no way to put that genie back into the bottle.

The real question for the United States, which has seen 240 years of relatively peaceful transference of power and authority is how do we reconcile the wrongs of the past with the desires of the future?

As we debate the changing roles of our various sub-cultures it seems we have put behind us the wisdom of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others who see the evil of any belief that puts one race above another. 

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