Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Dumbest Thing on the Internet Today

This meme is the dumbest thing possible.  You know why?  Because it was posted by someone too dumb to figure out it is illegal to kill school children... period.  It doesn't matter if you use a shotgun with three rounds -- illegal to use to kill school children.  It doesn't matter if you use a machine gun -- illegal to use to kill school children. What about if you use something in between? -- Nope, still illegal.

If you want to argue for gun control, at least use some sense and show why your argument actually improves the safety of those you are trying to protect.  Saying geese have more protections than children just shows you are stupid.

Don't be stupid and expect to persuade anyone who's not stupid.

1 comment:

Breck said...

And the scary thing is this gentleman's vote counts just the same as mine!

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