Sunday, October 6, 2019

On The Wrong Side of History

The other day The Honorable Ms. Ocasio-Cortez tweeted out something or other about those who work for President Trump being on the “wrong side of history.”  I had to pause for a minute or two so as not to spit out my coffee over that deep thought.  This statement, coming from a representative of a generation who believes they needn’t study history and can rewrite the past to reflect the political thinking of today is truly laughable.
By all indications from the media who we all know they are the Guardians of Democracy (‘cause that’s what they keep telling us), the millennial generation has set themselves up as the truth givers of America’s morality, even if it means denying biological fact and indoctrinating children into the suitability of alternative sexual orientations.
You know who is on the wrong side of history?  Those who would corrupt legal processes to gain and maintain power.  They are the people who cry loudest about the abuse of power while rallying the mob to corrupt those legal processes so they may gain the power themselves.  That is unless they win.  Then they get to write the history as they would like.
If you would like a good example of how this works, I recommend watching the first episode of an old HBO series called John Adams.  In this episode, we see the Sons of Liberty, led by Sam Adams railing against the British, while his cousin John attempts to walk a centrist line based on the law.  In this scene, John Hancock calls for a British Agent to be tarred (and feathered).  That is how mob rule works.  Not so much different now then it was then.
The question for all of us in society today is who will be the heroes of tomorrow since the great moral questions and the political climate is really about control of long-standing political privilege and power.  Will it be those outsiders who attempt to use a corrupt system to turn it against itself, or will it be those party loyalists who appeal to the mob?

1 comment:

GretchenJoanna said...

This line about "...the people who cry loudest about the abuse of power while rallying the mob to corrupt those legal processes so they may gain the power themselves" is well-put. Maybe that is the forever story of political history. I'm glad there is much more going on day after day, history being made, mostly the things that don't make the headlines, without which life would be bleak indeed, and the future terrifying.

Your post reminds me of a couple of quotes from G.K. Chesterton, for example: "People who make history know nothing about history. You can see that in the sort of history they make."

I'm glad you didn't let your relationship with Grammar hold you back!

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