Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Hey It's Spring

As the days pass it is seems so easy to focus our attention on the daily problems, but as the seasons change it is also inevitable our outlooks change to reflect them.  I imagine this is rooted in the core of our genetic makeup.  We have, since our beginnings, lived intimately with nature.  For that has, is, and will be our source of life.  Today we seem to be in conflict with that essential linkage as we seek to alter and deny our relationship.
As much of the nation again braces for the winter effects of snow and ice, many are finding temperatures climb into the 60s and above.  You can see the trees coming back to summer form with new buds, flowers and leaves.  The plants are beginning to break through the ground as the soil warms.  The animals who’ve sheltered in hibernation are emerging from their slumber, and the mountain streams begin to flow with the melting of the winter snows. 
It is spring, a time when life renews, is reborn, and grows to the fullness of summer.
There will be time tomorrow to worry about the pettiness of the world.  Today it is spring and the earth’s orbit and axis has returned the sun to its place north of the equator.  Its rays will soon enough sweep away the gloom of winter until at its apex we seek for it to return south and allow us to cool enough for sweaters and condemn its absence in the cold.  Welcome back Spring.  Now, show us the warmth of your lengthening days.


Jeannette said...

I almost wrote out a quote here relating the position of daily problems in our awareness that your thoughts here reminded me of...and then I decided I would just go pop it up on my blog instead. So thanks, John, for the inspiration. May you enjoy th e warmth of lengthening days.

John said...

Thank you for the comment, I'm headed over to your blog now... 3/22/2018

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