Tuesday, January 23, 2018


January must be the time for only slightly organized parades, also known as “Marches.”

First there was the national March for Life in Washington DC, along with 70 local marches across the land.  Crowd estimates seem to be in the 50 to 100-thousand range for this pro-life demonstration in the Capital.  By all reports the march was pretty well organized and respectful as you would expect for people who support life.

Next came the Woman’s March which should really be called the “anti-Trump” march, since the last time they felt compelled to march prior to President Trump was in 1997 when they got together in Philadelphia to bring attention to the marginalization of African-American Women during the Clinton presidency.  Finding an estimate for crowd size in DC seems to a bit of a problem.  The march permit was cancelled by the organizers[1] but the news covered the event and there were people in the streets, as well as a number of other cities across the land.  My search for the Woman’s March 2018 generally took me to websites that offered to sell me a T-shirt, so I will leave it to you to figure out exactly how many turned out to condemn the President and call for his death.

The two marches obviously have different drummers.


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