Saturday, September 23, 2017

Life in a Tone-Deaf World

We have replaced journalists with opinion(ists), and we only tune into the opinion(ist) we like, as a result I expect to see the continuing rise in what Scott Adams refers to as Cognitive Dissonance, where the world does not match your expectations, so you create illusions.  Little that I say here will be new, but I’ve nothing better to do so let's recap.
For better or worse we have been set on a path where identity politics is the fashion of the day.  We’ve forsaken even the most meager attempts for balance in our discussion of the issues.  The ideas of compromise and persuasion have been replaced by blunt force use of the media and its celebrities to shove ideas forward without concern or consideration for opposing views.   
To illustrate, we can look at the idea of universal health care as a right guaranteed by the government.  The Democrats passed the Affordable Care Act in 2008, with nary a Republican supporter.  In the years since its implementation individual costs have sky rocketed, insurance exchanges have faltered, and court cases have risen to the Supreme Court where they found this was really a legal tax scheme.
After 8-years of complaints and condemnations from the Republicans, when it came time to do something they failed miserably because they never had a real vision to move to.  Of course, there is the usual finger pointing and condemnation, for it appears that is all they are capable of.
It is much the same these days with the Democratic leadership and the vilification of the President.  Rather than concentrate on the positives, finding places they can persuade the President towards their views, the voices we hear from them are shrill and self-serving. 

1 comment:

Mitch said...

I am reading (listening to) former CBS Reporter Sharyl Adkisson's Book, The Smear, and it is fascinating so far. The Internet Age has created paid groups in Washington which "sell" canned stories and data to media outlets to allow them to get stories out fast and skip the nug work and time required to do quality reporting. Millions are being made, and anybody who gets in the way seeking real truth is "fingered" to keep the profits rolling for the "new corporations." They planted classified material on Adkisson's personal computer to try and get her discredited! I highly recommend a read!

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