Sunday, December 30, 2012

Do More Laws Improve Citizen Safety?

Chicago police confirm 'tragic number' of 500 homicides, on December 28th.   The Los Angeles Homicide Map shows 517 deaths by December 9th.    NYC murders reach record low in 2012 with 414 homicides.  The vast majority of these were committed by the deadly force involving a firearm.
Three major metropolitan areas, three separate states and significantly different gun control policies.  Which one offers the greatest protection to its citizens through the strict control of gun ownership, registration and use?  Hmmmm, lets see.
Starting in reverse order.  Frequently asked questions about NY State Gun Control Laws.   In summary, NYC requires all rifles, shotguns and pistols to be licensed and registered, and their owners must have a permit to carry them.  There is up to a six-month wait to acquire a permit to purchase a handgun. in its page, What are the gun laws in California? says California residents do not need to register or license rifles and shotguns, but do need to register handguns.  A concealed carry permit is required.  A 10-day waiting period before delivery of a firearm is required. Additionally there are a variety of laws in place dealing with minors and felons possession of firearms.
Finally, shows that Illinois has, by far, the most restrictive laws, especially when you are in Chicago.  A firearms owner identification (FOID) card is required to purchase and carry rifles, shotguns and pistols.  Chicago requires all firearms be registered with them.  Carrying a concealed weapon is prohibited entirely.  A 24-hour waiting period is required for a rifle or shotgun and a 72-hour wait is required for a pistol.  The seller of a firearm must retain a record of the transfer for 10 years.  You cannot possess either guns or ammunition without a FOID.  There are also laws dealing with the issues of juvenile possession, and child access, as well as by felons and those with mental defect.
So of the three areas in question, NYC’s laws seem the simplest, yet it has the lowest homicide rate?  On simple comparison there does not seem to be a direct correlation between the number of laws and restrictions associated with gun ownership and the safety of the population at large.  It appears that those using firearms don’t seem too interested in complying with the laws as currently written.  So can someone in favor of more laws and restrictions just explain to me how the new laws will improve safety, if the real issue seems to be one of criminal non-compliance with the existing ones?

1 comment:

Rusty said...

I like to think the NYC/Chicago disparity has to do with enforcement in homogeneous culture zones. Look at demographic info for the homicide data in NYC and Chicago. Then, check how felonies are investigated and adjudicated. Go get data in Philly, too. It's by cultures.

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