Thursday, November 3, 2011

Everyone Knows Pie R Round

As the political debate over Candidate Herman Cain’s reported sexual harassment rages on, there is an interesting observation, completely unrelated to this critical question.  John Pepple, writing in I Want a New Left has a nice post on academic fraud.
Although not as much fun as debunking the science of global warming it appears a Dutch Social-Psychologist tired of actually collecting data and found it much easier to just make it up so his theories were supported.  Gosh I wish I had thought of that when I was in school.
Seems to be a trend developing in the academic world where peer review actually means peer pass along.  It is just so hard to actually look into someone else’s work when you have that demanding 20 hour a week academic calendar.

1 comment:

Jeannette said...

Sometimes I find a quote that I really like and then I read more of the author or see what else they have written and say "phew" ( that's a technical term I am sure you've run into a few times in your career) I am so glad I explored further before quoting this person or giving them a referral, you know, buying their view lock, stock and barrel. I may be a slow learner but I know I only have two feet to stand on and it isn't good to shoot the footsies.

Thanks for the links...this is such a good reminder.

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