Friday, December 30, 2011

End of Year Observations

It is traditional to look forward at the beginning of the New Year, but before I do I would like to look back on a few events of this past year so I can place the next one in context.
What will stand out for me as the central theme 2011 was the on-going political warfare both central parties engaged in.  The brinksmanship each engaged in looking for a lever against the opposition meant they put governing aside.  While I take issue with this, and there is enough blame to be had by both sides, I see the Progressive democrats, and an increasingly isolated President, as the major contributors for the following reasons.
a)     The decision to call the fiscal conservative movement, the Tea Party, terrorists and racists.
b)     The choice to begin an “us versus them” campaign where they pit the lower and middle class against the wealthy in an attempt to force a Republican stand
c)      Their blatant support of the #Occupy Wall Street protests, actually an extension of the class warfare they began earlier
Both houses of Congress continue their downward slide in voter confidence and I think this will be problematic for both parties in the upcoming elections.  I don’t think I am alone in my belief that no incumbent is worthy of reelection.  It is interesting the mainstream media chooses to ignore this quiet movement, but when long time party strongholds like New York’s 9th Congressional District switch from Democratic to Republican in the election caused by the infamous Anthony Weiner scandal it should be some indicator to everyone that 2012 will be a very interesting year.  The real question is will the normal voter apathy continue to allow organizers to dominate the election process.
The government’s inability to control the national debt and move towards a balanced budget will be a big issue next year, just as it was most of this year.  This is an area the Republicans win if they could ever get their feet out of their mouths and show a valid strategy that actually results in a smaller government, not some set of mythical bench marks that allow the Democrats to cast them as the party out to take away social security.
We American’s have a short attention span.  When was the last time anyone thought about the tsunami that washed over Japan, especially now that they are gaining control of the Nuclear reactors?  Who knows that the debris from that event is already beginning to wash ashore on our west coast?
Debris found near Vancouver, 29 Dec 11
And as a closing thought, I wonder how well our advocacy for the overthrow of the Egyptian and Libyan governments is going to work out for us this next year?  I am guessing we will soon regret those inspired interventions.

1 comment:

Jeannette said...

Thanks, John , for your question asking, fact retrieval, connection making, and opinion sharing friendly blogging. Music, pictures, cartoons, jokes....and even a flotsam and jetsam.

2011 quite the year... Happy New Year to you and yours...from sea to shining sea.

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