Friday, May 13, 2011

Sometimes there is, sometimes there isn’t

Sometimes there is a beautiful day, filled with life, waiting for you to wake up and experience all it has to offer.  Sometimes there isn’t.
Sometimes you meet someone who immediately becomes your friend, a kindred spirit alone and also looking.  Sometimes you don’t.
Sometimes you see things more clearly than those around you and become a guide for others.  Sometimes – not.
Sometimes life offers you success and fame, you are the person everyone wants to be.  Sometimes this is just an illusion.
Sometimes you are angry and don’t care why, you just want to vent and rage against the world.  Sometimes you shouldn’t.
Sometimes your problems overwhelm and you don’t know what to do.  Sometimes you should look beyond you.
Sometimes there is rain and the day is dreary and dark.  Sometimes there isn’t and life blossoms.
Sometimes there just is, sometimes there just isn’t.

1 comment:

Jeannette said...

He y at my house the sun came out 5:59 pm....

A lot said here John.

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