Sunday, December 5, 2021

When Reality Strikes Too Close to Home

As we approach Christmas, a time when Christians are supposed to remember the salvation of their souls by a merciful God who sent his Son to earth to atone for our sins it seems kind of ironic the most progressive and liberal among us are now being confronted by their own choices.

Recently, a killer broke into the home of Clarence Avant and killed his wife, Jacqueline Avant.  Ms. Avant, who at 81 was a long-time Philanthropist and supporter of liberal causes.  Also attacked were Droit Kemsley, a star from “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” and Terrance J, a host from BET were both targeted by “flash mob” robbers.  It seems crime is beginning to affect even the rich and isolated of Beverly Hills, or as Oprah Winfrey, also known as a progressive who likes to give things away, says: "it has “shaken the laws of the universe.”

Crime and violence are not supposed to directly affect those who can afford their own security, who support the release of violent felons back into their neighborhoods, or who fund causes, where felons are the good guys and cops, are the enemy.  Those "good guys and gals" are supposed to stay where they belong and prey on those who also live in those areas, leaving the rich to feel good about helping society.

As Ann Althouse[1] points out radical leadership is concerned enough to say “They're trying to move us backward,' said Melina Abdullah, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles. 'We don't want to move backward; we want to move forward... We need to think about what kind of economic desperation actually creates property crime and how do we get people out of that state... How do we create livable wage jobs? How do we create affordable housing?'"  All great ideas until those rich liberals are actually expected to make choices that may affect their own standards of living.

The problem with all these movements is no one is really willing or able to address how dependence on the government is destroying the essential building blocks of society.  When these building blocks are gone, society will fail and we will have to start over.  The first block is a family.  Not a family unit, but a real family where there is a mother, a father, children who are taught common values by their parents and aren’t just turned into wards of the state.  The second block is a community where all the members share common values of hope (for a future better than today), respect (for the rights of others), and value for themselves and those around them.  The final building block is a trust for a standard of laws that are blind to the color of skin, gender, and the wealth or power (or lack) of the accused.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

I have been wanting to post a similar take on life as I watch crime spiral out of control in my new hometown of Louisville KY. We just broke our all-time record for homicides for 2021. The previous all time record was 2020. Before that, it was almost a decade since homicides and shootings were even close to this bad. FIRST, I would beg all liberals to do their Christmas shopping during the day in a chain store (Target, Walmart, Kroger) in the "poor section" of their city. They will be amazed to find things like underwear, kitchen knifes, and purses under locked plexiglass cabinets like they are fine jewelry because these items are pilfered so often. And note the extra staff at the exits watching to catch as many shoplifters as possible, and then realize that many of the prices being charged inside are HIGHER than in your neighborhood because the store manager HAS TO buy the security devices and hire the security staff to try and make a profit. That manager probably reports to the same regional manager as the other neighborhoods and gets "brow beaten" weekly or monthly for not being able to meet the profit and growth targets everybody else can make. If the manager had more shoppers (like the Upper middle classers) buying merchandise legitimately, she/he could leave out more accessible merchandise, offer better discounts, and have a more aesthetically pleasing store layout like the sister stores across town. The "loss" of customer traffic and sales across town would let the "cleaned and pressed" manager across town sweat the staff review for a few weeks a year! Second, I think cities with populations over 500,000 should start passing laws that require their mayors and their immediate family members to LIVE IN the toughest neighborhoods of their city for at least 30 consecutive days a year, enduring the shot-out streetlights, pot-holed streets, stores with iron bars, and dirty parks with busted play equipment so they will have a true understanding of what their citizens are going through daily. Maybe then we might find some "common ground" between the parties for a refreshing change.

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