It is good to see a return to normalcy, new normalcy, or old politics, whichever you prefer. A time when the President is not held to the promises he makes, a time when his every utterance is forgotten within moments of his making it, and the DNC, media, and media moguls can resume their love fests without concern for those “other guys” and the average citizen.
It seems like a lifetime ago when then-President (Elect) Biden was telling the media how important they were and how his administration wouldn’t put up with the abuse the Trump administration had leveled on them by calling them fake news and tweeting mean things about the people who were carrying the water for the DNC.
I seem to remember a promise by the soon to be President where anyone caught abusing the Press would be “Immediately fired.” I’m pretty sure that was the promise. Except was it really?
Now there is a story (curtesy Ann Althouse and Legal Insurrection) about the Deputy Press Secretary TJ Ducklo who threatened to destroy a female reporter from Politico named Tara Palmeri for asking questions about his on-going affair with an Axios reporter named Alexi McCammond.
TJ, for those keeping scores, is the same guy who went on Bret Baier’s show and accused him of being a Trump Campaign stooge when Baier had the gall to ask what Biden would have done differently about COVID if he were President.
This brings us to the present. We have clearly returned to the traditional political age were “immediately fired” actually means “suspended for a week.”
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