Friday, January 15, 2021

That Was Then - This is Now.

In 2009 I was hopeful the Democratic sweep into the Congress and the White House would result in a functioning government where they would learn from the failures of the Bush/Cheney administration and they would work in a bipartisan manner to solve some of the big problems of America.

I was not against universal health care and would have supported it if they had simply shown how they would pay for it, but they couldn’t.  As it turned out with acknowledgments after the fact there was never any attempt to make it affordable.  It was simply a bait and switch to consolidate government power.

Today, I have no such allusions regarding the transition of power.  The DNC will simply enrich its major stakeholders while making the neediest more dependent on government largess for their survival.  In many ways, it will be a return of the plantation system which is at the heart of the Democratic Party mindset.

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