Thursday, February 13, 2020

An Open Letter to those who “Stand with LTC Vindman”

On social media, I saw a few people post LTC Vindman’s picture along with the “I Stand” caption.  It gave me pause as I passed by without comment, but it has troubled me to the point I now feel compelled to respond with a warning Be Careful What You Ask For.
For those who dislike the President and believe he should be removed, that is okay.  It is one of the many rights you have as a citizen.  For those who are not citizens, you have the same right of opinion, and increasingly the Democratic party is arguing you should have the right to remove him as well.  The way to remove a President you don’t like is through the election process, not through a coup.
What has separated the U.S. military from so many other countries is the idea that our military is apolitical. 
Since our original rebellion, the oath administered to our soldiers has stated allegiance to the nation.  After the Civil War, the oath was changed to establish allegiance to the Constitution.  That oath, with some changes, remains in effect today.  The current oath of office was approved by the Congress in 1960 and has been in effect since 1962.  It reads…
I, [STATE YOUR NAME], having been appointed a [RANK] in the United States [BRANCH OF SERVICE], do solemnly swear [OR AFFIRM] that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God.
This is the oath LTC Vindman affirmed upon his commissioning.  You can judge for yourselves whether or not his action was in support of the Constitution or an act of political rebellion against a President he didn’t like.
If you, like so many of the opposition, believe he had the moral right and authority to rise up against the duly elected President over what is a political and policy difference then you are agreeing that any military member has the right to use his or her office to attempt to overthrow the President.  And make no mistake, LTC Vindman was clearly standing on his military platform when he testified at the Intelligence Committee.
We historically think of military coups as the violent overthrow of the leader, either elected or not, the replacement of one dictator for another.  Consider the rhetoric coming out from the Democratic party about President Trump.  How often do the party and the media depict him as a dictator?  But, is that true?
Has he sent the Congress home?  Has he not been constrained by the checks and balances we have historically had in place?  Can he spend money the Congress hasn’t authorized?  Clearly, the answer to these questions is no, so where do we come up with the idea he is a dictator? 
If he is a dictator then is it okay for the military to overthrow the government as other military leaders have done through history?  That is what you support when you Stand with LTC Vindman.  Think carefully about that.  I don’t think you will like the outcome.


Unknown said...

Those who stand with lindman would be happy to destroy our constitutional norms just to get rid of a president they don't like. These are not Patriots. They are leftists. They don't believe in the Constitution, but will use, abuse or ignore altogether to promote their agenda. The evidence is overwhelming.


EMax said...

Again, I have to agree with you and it bothers me a lot to see the posts on Social Media praising LTC Vindman and how he did not follow his chain of command and took it upon himself to leak sensitive and classified information to friends and his brother, and likely to Adam Schiff. Disgusting!

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