Wednesday, January 8, 2020

And Just Like That -- Nothing

Just scant days ago the world was on the verge of total global war.  World War III was just a button push away, a mad man was at the helm, young men were trying to figure out how to avoid the coming draft and Hollywood celebrities were trying their damndest to explain the Iranians how they weren't the blame.
Of course, the media -- always fair and balanced where explaining how the entire nations of Iran and Iraq (all 122,000,000) were now unified in their hatred of the U.S. for the death of what they referred to as a "revered military leader," and the death of all the U.S. military in the region was undoubtedly only days away when Iran would launch its terrible reprisal.
Those who hate Trump made it a point to highlight that his treats were, in fact, war crimes and he should be immediately taken before the Hague and stripped of his presidency,
Then Iran launched a couple of dozen (or less) missiles into Iraq and as far as the public knows killed only a few camels.
Today the President noted the Iranians appeared to be standing down and the Stock Market hit a high of 28,866 before slipping down to the 28,745.
It appears the mainstream media, flush from their expert analysis of the middle east where they reported on how unified Iraq and Iran had become and how many American casualties we had experienced in the rocket attacks seem to be having a hard time explaining why we aren't at war today.
The bottom line:  Our Embassy was attacked, we responded to protect it, a bad dude was somewhere he shouldn't have been and is no more.  The outrage will continue, but only by the same people who saw no problem with the Obama administration's response to Benghazi, and Hillary Clinton's famous statement, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

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