Tuesday, September 13, 2011


There are always memories we save, hidden in the recesses of our mind.  Some are so good we never want to let them go.  Some are so bad we want never to let them come back. For all of us though it is useful, sometimes, to let them rise to the surface to bring joy to our lives, or perhaps lessen the pain of the moment.  How each individual deals with their life, how they hold themselves and others accountable is unique distinction of a human, in a human society.
We, as individuals have two choices in life.  We can continue to grow, to learn, to discover, and to share, or we can wither away becoming shells of our youth, reliving those glory years.  Sometimes, it is good to look into our soul and decide to grow, even when its is hard.
As we discover more about the natural world around us we find that some species function as individuals in the animal kingdom, while others are part of a larger collective.  As far as I know, if they deviate from that collective, they are cast out, or they fight to assume dominance.  Sometimes, it is important to recognize that dissenting views are a right of our society, and when you choose to denigrate the individuals with those differing views you lessen yourself.  It seems to me to be perfectly reasonable, for example, to say the President’s proposal for his jobs bill is a tired rehash of old ideas that have proven unsuccessful.  It does not seem reasonable, at the same time, to say the President is a complete idiot.
For example, there is an Episcopal Church sign about Governor Rick Perry that is getting a lot of attention on the Internet.  Putting aside the unchristian approach of this church does it really have a valid opinion to offer?  While I may not agree with Governor Perry on a lot of issues the whole idea of a primary system is to let the party faithful weigh the pros and cons of the individual, and to judge, as best they can, whether or not they should be hired to represent the goals and ideals of the Party.  Sometimes, it would be useful for those not directly participating in the Republican, or Democrat, selection process to keep their opinions to themselves.  In an open campaign say all you want to persuade others of the value or cost of either candidate.  As for me, how you present an opposing idea will fail in the first words if all you intend to do is challenge the individual as a member of our society.

1 comment:

Jeannette said...

If someone takes a pot shot at another they miss a viable chance to express a concrete or valid concern. Ad hominen attacks say more about the speaker than he who is attacked. How revealing is it to have the flip line "God here" ? And how sad...it misses the mark in so many realms.
Thank you for your efforts to highlight the hope that civility does not completely disappear.

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