Thursday, March 29, 2012

It is a Fine Line

Once again, we as a nation are embroiled in racial controversy with the unfortunate killing of a young man.  The media has latched on to this tragic story and is of course insuring it is played on the national stage.  The president has weighed in with his statements calling for the nation to do soul searching over how a decent black youth can be killed by a Hispanic, or white, neighborhood watch vigilante.
The Black Panthers have placed a $10,000 bounty on the capture, dead or alive, of the shooter.  Whose identity is known but has not yet been formally charged.  The black community is pressing for the federal government to become involved and to declare this a hate crime.  Spike Lee tweeted his supposed address to his 240,000 followers, and it turned out to be the wrong one, putting an elderly couple in danger.  All based on news reports that are bias and agenda filled.
It reminds me of the time the President energized his supporters to blame conservative politician’s and conservative media for inciting the Tucson shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and several bystanders, including a tragic death of a 9 year old girl.  With those condemnations we saw an outpouring of violent rhetoric including death threats against prominent conservative politicians.
All this is done before the real facts are known, the investigations completed, and the evidence weighed in honest judgment.  It is today’s version of a lynch mob, fired up by leaders out for blood, no matter the cost, or politicians seeking a political advantage.
In today’s world it is a fine line between inspiring a nation, and inciting a nation.


Jeannette said...

An old proverb from the wise king comes to mind..."there is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts. but the tongue of the wise brings healing." It is good to know the facts before one proclaims too much. We can all proclaim it a tragedy however.

Whenever an executive officer such as the POTUS decides to proclaim what should happen in an event such as this, it suggests that we don't already have laws, protocols and such to deal with the situation. In some relams our POTUS seems like a helicoptor president and in other realms MIA.

Gino said...

nobody is attempting to inspire a nation. this is the race-card needed every election year. its just the confederate flag card has run its course.

Carol............. said...

Another media hype so the B.O. can sell the agenda. Same garbage different day!

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