Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oh ya, the Environment

There has been a lot of talk in the Government about opening up or expanding off-shore oil exploration in the Gulf of Mexico. Interestingly it has been pretty bipartisan, with President Obama leading the charge, and Republicans tagging begrudgingly along. Supposedly all in the name of energy independence. Something I think all of us agree is a good idea, its just the devils in the details.

This same dialogue has also been raised in Florida, where unemployment exceeds 12% and income from our principle cash flow machines of farming and tourism are markedly down. Up until last week it was only a few "environmentalist" who have been actively arguing and lobbying against this. Interestingly the AF has a concern about its overwater ranges for flight test and training, but that was about it.

Then all the sudden the impossible, or should I say the "highly unlikely" happened and now off shore drilling in the Gulf isn't really the great idea the President thought it was... or is it?

Ah well it is probably on to Nuclear power now... and again those same environmental nuts will have to lead the way... The rest of us will forget about the tons of nuclear waste from current reactors we are still trying to figure out what to do with...

I am not sure what the right course of action is, but I am pretty sure our politicians don't have a clue as to what it is either... not when the current ideas about energy invoke ... "Nice idea, but not in my backyard."

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