Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Tribute to Jonathan Livingston

Life is an interesting thing. As I go through it I find myself wondering about how it is we are here, and how I can be so blessed. I have a wonderful wife, two children who have reached successful points in their lives and a wonderful, if sometimes loud, granddaughter.

In the 70's there was a nice little book, written by a pilot named Richard Bach. I have always thought of the philosophy captured in it as a basis for my approach to being. It wasn't long, it had lots of pictures, but it set out for me the course my life was to take.

I strive each day to remember Johnathan's advice "you've got to understand that a seagull is an unlimited idea of freedom, an image of the Great Gull, and your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip is nothing more than your thought itself."

I am not the strongest in the flock, nor the swiftest, nor the smartest, but I hold myself to the pursuit of excellence in what I do. I strive to do well in my profession, to lead by example, to have faith in myself, and to be a mentor to those around me.

My hope for all those I love, and those who know me, they find their own vision of life, and pursue with love and understanding their own journey. Be true to yourselves!

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