Saturday, November 11, 2017

Ode to the Veteran

Youth, impetuous and fearless, standing on their own
Eyes, cast to a strange world, seeking independence for the first time
Minds, filled with more questions than answers, unsure of what lies ahead
Hearts, beating to be set free, wanting to make a difference in the world

These men and women come from many walks of life
Choosing different paths to a common goal
Bound by a belief in this nation
Driven by a need to be greater than the one

They come with different dreams
Putting service before themselves
Willing to guard the rights of all
Unwilling to let this country fail

Quietly they serve, and quietly they return
Too often with scars
Both hidden and not
They try to put their lives back together

They form the backbone of this country
The strength of character we are
The moral courage we show
The compassion to which we aspire

It is a veteran of war who knows its horror
It is a veteran of peace who knows our honor
It is a veteran of service who knows our sacrifice
It is a veteran who demands justice for the oppressed

As Teddy Roosevelt once said
“The credit belongs to the man who is in the arena”
Our veterans today stand on the shoulders of those before
Our veterans of tomorrow will do the same.

1 comment:

EMax said...

Thanks John! Thanks for your continued service.

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